When a fire ruins their owner's Pastry shop and life, what are these six dolls supposed to do?
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Yummy Love
Yummy Love"Yummy yummy love, you can't live without it!"Yummy Love is a pastry shop that is fairly popular in Seoul, South Korea. He does not only sell his pastries, but cook em right in front of you! The owner of the shop, a nice caring man, loved his shop to bits, but he had a little secret of his own. He had six little dolls that he made from scratch. They weren't really a secret, since the stayed at the shop window, but there was something about them that made them different. Now what made those dolls different from any other dolls was that they were alive. After the owner had accidentally feed them all different types of Korean pastries, they sprang to life. They were able to talk and walk, they could even turn themselves into a normal human being! But here's the catch, they live on whatever pastry that the owner gave them. If they don't eat that certain pastry at least once a day, they'll lose their life and crumble to dust. But the owner always cooked those pastries for his little dolls, but then a fire breaks loose in the shop during the night. The dolls make it, but not the owner. What were they gonna do? The only life source was gone? But then the cooks that worked for the owner come to the shop to see it burned. The dolls only have one choice, they're gonna have to make the cooks take them home! -

PrincessBoy - Member for 2 years
Princey! Quick, reserve Cook 2 for me! Before someone else!
So love will CAT DANCE, baby~
Be Obedient and Intelligent with it.
Lead into the MISERY,
The Guilty Labyrinth of Romance~
Unwillingly forming without pity
That's the blindness of IRONY!

Child of the Winged - Member for 0 years
Can I please have doll 4 please? <3

Horseygirl - Member for 3 years
doll 3 please
If you can't understand my silence...
then you won't be able to understand my words.
When will people understand that words can cut as sharply as any blade,
and that those cuts leave scars upon our souls?
There's only us There's only this Forget, regret or Life is yours to miss No other road,
no other way No day but today
Come take a look of my RP's St.Vladimir's Vampire Academy -

airedeiagrace - Member for 0 years
May I reserve doll 3?
An artist is a neurotic who cures herself with art.

KiraArsenic - Member for 0 years
Hey Princessboy! Been awhile! I seen this roleplay before and was dying to be in it. Im glad it got revamped. Um can I reserve the cook 2~
and i pray this roleplay will go well! >^
Edit: Aw man Tsubasa-chan got it first... Tsubasa why do you have such good taste! gah, im not good at playing a Seme... oh well

DreamerOnTheStars - Member for 0 years
@Child of the Winged: Haha, yeah sure. ^^ oh, almost forgot to put you as co-GM. I'll go do that now. XD
@Horseygirl: Yep, sure you can.
@airedeiagrace: ??? I'm sorry?
@KiraArsenic: Yep, yep~
@DreamerOnTheStars: Aww, poo~ I'm sorry. But you can always try seme? XD It's pretty easy actually...You can do a blushy seme? idk

PrincessBoy - Member for 2 years
WAHHHHHHHHHH!!! ;A; I wanted cook 2 D':
But i guess i will be cook 1 ^*^
Though im not good at Seme's XD
Last edited by Neon.lynxie on Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Neon.lynxie - Member for 2 years
Someone is already doll 3 XDD

PrincessBoy - Member for 2 years
Yume! You can play my seme~ Cause you do so well with Tally and Si-si!

Child of the Winged - Member for 0 years
I just saw and fixed it XD D': Ughh my life is sooo rough DX JK

Neon.lynxie - Member for 2 years
@mgoodwin2: Yep~
@Neon: Yes, be my doll's seme~ XDD

PrincessBoy - Member for 2 years
AhH~ Yess of course
Neh i think i will make one of those Diva Seme's who make look feminine but must be the dominating one! >:D

Neon.lynxie - Member for 2 years
Oh my god, yes. XD My character is the cute, but silent uke. But he doesn't think he's cute. By the way, I'm using Henry Lau and he is the definition of cuteness. XD

PrincessBoy - Member for 2 years
Humm. . . I am thinking Key! *nods*
This is a first Diva kind for me :D

Neon.lynxie - Member for 2 years
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