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It won't officially be released until February 19, but the AT&T version of the Samsung Galaxy Note has already had a rooted kernel built for it. The kernel also has init.d support so custom scripts can be run during the boot cycle, and is set-up for root access over adb as well. If that reads like Greek to you, just know that it's all good stuff and needed for custom ROMs and other hacks for the Note, and enjoy it.
Of course you'll need to use Odin to flash it, so that means Windows only and the mess of drivers to install. Luckily, all that is covered and put together with download links and instructions at XDA. Be sure you read them before you start clicking buttons. When you get your paws on an AT&T Note of your very own, give it a look. In the meantime, discuss it all in the forums. Happy hacking!
Source: XDA-Developers
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The Commonwealth Government?s 13 proposed Australian Privacy Principles (APP), to be included within a new Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), and will replace the Information Privacy Principles (the IPP, which govern the Commonwealth public sector) and National Privacy Principles (or the NPP, which govern private sector conduct). The Cabinet Secretary responsible for drafting the new laws, Joe Ludwig, has stated that the individual?s privilege to privacy is a ?fundamental human privilege that must be taken care of?. To this end, the current legislation will be amended with the following targets in mind:
The two current sets of principles (the IPP and NPP) will be replaced by a single, streamlined and harmonised set of commitments that draw on the current principles; That the Principles should depict a balanced range of standards to handle potential risk of damage from unacceptable sharing and treating of an individual?s private information; To ensure that the criteria also consider an individual?s realistic targets around the treating of their information; and To make sure that the regulations strike a balance involving the Public?s and the individual?s interest in useful, valuable service delivery and public safety.
Then again, website terms and conditions are often not the very first thing you look at when browsing a website, logically most people never look at a website?s terms and conditions unless confronted by a dialogue box needing their acceptance. However getting a page of terms and conditions as well as a privacy policy is significant to the successful functionality of your website or online business. In 2009 the ACCC began a crackdown on the websites of internet retailers who ?simply ?cut and paste? information from other sites on warranties and refunds without looking at that the details are correct?, to quote the ACCC chairman Graeme Samuel. The ACCC properly pursued the large online retailer DealsDirect over warranty terms on their goods that have been in breach of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth). The company was instructed to tweak its website terms and conditions relative to a court order.
While issues with the previous Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth), now the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), are confined to websites selling goods or services, every website will need terms and conditions as other laws will influence them. For instance you might like to reduce the methods people can use your website?s content; this will simply be enforceable if your terms and conditions abide by the normal and statutory laws of contract, and the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). Here are several areas to think about when drafting website terms and conditions: What does your website provide? Every website is different and will therefore need a unique set of terms and conditions. Websites can usually be separated into the categories of supplying information, product and/or service sales, and those allowing user generated content. It is necessary to sort out what it is your website is providing and draft your terms and conditions appropriately.
For instance an online site allowing consumers to acquire products and/or services is going to take terms about distribution, warranties, a returns policy, and to ensure such terms and conditions do not offend the provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). Websites allowing user generated content needs terms detailing who carries responsibility for the content, and procedures for dealing with unpleasant content. Any website will also need to clarify the conditions upon which people can use website content and features, and to determine what uses of original content are allowed under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). One size won?t fit all, and simply copying and pasting the terms and conditions of another website to your own means you are left with a policy that does not match your website?s content and operations ? a difficulty that may have legal implications like it did for DealsDirect.
Complete your website?s Online Privacy Policy originally. Inveiss will help you with Online Privacy Policy processes.. Unique version for reprint here: Legal Process To Undergo Privacy Policy In Australia.
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By Kate Flora
As a child growing up a small town with the library as my refuge, I thought writers were gods. I imagined that they lived very glamorous lives, an image that was fed by TV and the movies and novels that I read. Writers lived in New York. They went to swank parties and hobnobbed with famous people. They were sent around the country, if not around the world, on book tours. They rode in limos. They were profiled in magazines and interviewed on TV. They dressed, I thought, like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany?s. (And yes, I know SHE wasn?t the writer, but I never imagined myself in a tweed sport coat.) When they had book signings, eager readers lined up around the block to get their signatures.
I dreamed of becoming a writer, but became a lawyer instead. And then one day, when I was taking some time off from work, and at home with two small boys, panicked about not having a job, I thought?well, I?ve always wanted to write. Maybe it?s something I can fit into the small spaces of a mom?s busy life. Nearly ten years later, after a long time spent in the unpublished writer?s corner, my first book was coming out, so I went to New York (glamour, adventure, the BIG TIME) to meet with my publisher to talk about promotion for the book. I wore black pants, white shirt, a vest. I looked very little like Audrey Hepburn.
After a tour of their offices in the Flatiron Building, crowded with manuscripts and crammed with shelves of book, over the moon with excitement, I went to lunch with my editor, my agent, and the publisher. A chicken farmer?s daughter from Maine becoming a writer in Manhattan. The publisher leaned back in his chair, studied me like I was a lab specimen, and asked, ?Why are you here??
?To talk about the publicity campaign for my book,? I said.
After a lecture on how much advertising is necessary to get a book noticed, he delivered the bad news. There was not going to be a publicity campaign for my book. It was a first book. I was unknown. They had invested very little in the book. Then he said, ?What month is this? September? Nine months into the year, and you?re the first first-time author I?ve had lunch with.? I guessed that lunch was my publicity budget.
I was undaunted. I hadn?t really expected glamour. I wasn?t a dreamy kid in Union, Maine anymore. I was just thrilled to be published.
That was back in 1993 or so. And what Anne Lamott writes in her chapter on publication in Bird by Bird is a pretty accurate picture of how it is. There are no bands or parades. It?s more like a roller coaster. You get the prepub review that says you are ?a treadmark on the underpants of life.? Later, you will get the starred review that takes your breath away. On your publication day, no one notices?there are no marching bands, no phone calls from friends, the only flowers you get are the ones you sent yourself.
You schedule an event at Barnes and Noble and they set you up in a ring of chairs occupied by street people who have come inside to get warm and are now snoozing in all the other chairs. Or they seat you at a table where everyone asks you the way to the bathroom, except the bored guy whose wife is shopping, who talks your ear off until his wife is finished, then leaves without buying the book. You speak at the Boston Public Library and a person with mental issues sits in the front row and talks over you until staff escorts her out. Then you go to a library in a small town, and sixty people show up and you sell every book you brought. You visit a bookstore after the New York cab driver has gotten lost three times and told you how he?s inspired by Andrew Carnegie, and no one is there. But the cab driver has given you a character and a story, and then a woman wanders up to you, asks about your book, and buys it, and then confesses it?s the first book she?s ever bought.
When I ask other writers about their glamorous lives, Sheila Connolly says: ?I live in chef?s pants and cracked crocs. Every non-writer I meet assumes I make pots of money. And the absolute low point was driving across the state to a distant town, in the dark, in the rain, and only one person came. And she already owned the book.? Marnie Graff writes, ?Well, we get to work in our jammies. But once we finish all those rewrites, we don?t get to sit back and relish that. Instead, we are setting up readings, traveling to hawk our books, promoting ourselves in blogs and in articles and interviews, if we can get them, when we?d rather be sitting home in our jammies, writing the next one.?
Charlaine Harris, author of the books on which the True Blood series is based, says: ?I thought I would have to drink all the time. I discovered that that?s only optional.? And yet, at our conferences, that?s where we all are. Gathered in the bar. Incredibly congenial. And perhaps looking for a mutual escape from those incessant voices in our heads. An escape from the thousands of hours we spend all alone, in our pajamas, in our rooms, in our chairs, staring at screens as drops of blood slowly form on our foreheads and we face the reality that everything we wrote that day is absolutely crap. So glamorous.
My friend Kathleen Valentine, who?s really taking off on Kindle, says: I?ve only been a ?success? for four months now so I don?t see much different except instead of spending my days glued to the computer designing web sites, I spend my days glued to the computer working on books. However, I can afford to order Chinese food instead of cooking more often?.? Ellen Byerrum writes: ?You have to be cautious when you have a day job. Employers believe you won?t give them your last drop of blood and while some coworkers think it?s cool, others can make your life miserable, particularly if they harbor thwarted writing ambitions. One person I worked with told me not to talk about writing because not everyone had such a glamorous life, which is funny because I gave all my nights and weekends to writing while they had fun. However, I have to say there have been moments of glamour.?
Moments of glamour indeed. Like getting nominated for an Edgar, the mystery world?s equivalent of the Oscars, and needing a gown and shoes. I got my shoes at Out of the Closet, in SF?and the guy behind the counter caressed my lovely peep toe, black satin Bruno Magli pumps with swirls of rhinestones on the toes and said, ?Oh, I wish I would of seen them first.? Like having my editor take me for a drink at the Algonquin, because every writer ought to get to go there. And like being taken to a very fancy restaurant by the late, and wonderful, Leona Nevler at Ballantine. Leona, my agent, the publicist, the publisher, all hanging on my every word. And when I called her later to say ?thank you? and comment on how wonderful it was to finally be treated like I always imagined a writer would be, she said, ?Ah. Yes. But we can turn on you at any time.?
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ScienceDaily (Feb. 15, 2012) ? Computer engineers may have just provided the medical community a new way of figuring out exactly how one of the three building blocks of life forms and functions.
University of Central Florida Engineering Assistant Professor Shaojie Zhang used a complex computer program to analyze RNA motifs -- the subunits that make up RNA (ribonucleic acid).
RNA is one of three building blocks of life along with DNA and proteins. Knowing how all three building blocks work together and how they go awry will go a long way to understanding what causes diseases and how to treat them.
While much has been discovered about DNA thanks to the Human Genome Project, not a lot is known about RNA, which like DNA helps encode genes. Some viruses also use RNA as their prime genetic source to replicate. And various types of RNA are involved in everything from protein synthesis, controlling gene expression and communicating cell signals from one part of the body to another.
The units that make up RNA fold like a long accordion and vary in structure. Many have been identified in the past, but finding a quick automatic way to determine patterns in the varying types of units has been elusive until now.
"We have discovered many new RNA structural motifs using our new computational method," Zhang said. "This breakthrough can largely increase our current knowledge of RNA structural motifs. And newly discovered motifs may also help us develop possible treatment of certain diseases."
Zhang's work is this month's cover story in Nucleic Acids Research, an academic journal.
Using computers, Zhang and his team have been able to view these RNA accordion-like structures and how they fold in a 3-D scale. The program can quickly go through many RNA samples and discover units that are distinct and form patterns. That information gives researchers clues about their function.
"It's another tool to help unravel the mystery of how biology works and why it sometimes goes wrong, resulting in some fatal disease," Zhang said.
Zhang worked with Cuncong Zhong, a Ph.D. candidate at UCF on the study. Zhang has a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California at San Diego. His specialty is computational biology and bioinformatics. He joined UCF in 2007 and established UCF's Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Lab housed in the College of Engineering and Computer Science.
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If you don't have a beautiful smile, you don?t have to be afraid of or hide it anymore, particularly if the rationale isn't having gorgeous teeth. The art of teeth straightening has come a good way but now it is far more affordable because of the big number of pro orthodontist Leeds. Research concludes that a gorgeous smile grows the confidence of an individual person especially for those folks that work in the cooperate world, who knows how convincing is a beautiful grin.
Orthodontist is the art of teeth straightening; it has come a great distance from the days when the doctors used metal wires which were ponderous to just using simple computer aided designs. Leeds City Oral Care is a clinic that stands proud from the others apropos service delivery, technology and the working environment. The moment a patients enters the clinic, they can mark the difference, welcomed with a smile and definitely leave with a smile.
Often, people see good grins only on TV, the Hollywood movies but now everybody has been given equal chance to afford a stunning grin. Cosmetic dentist Leeds has got what's needed to make you look wow, they will help change your appearance and grow that faith in you. Leeds Town Oral Care is one of the few to practice cosmetic dental work Leeds. Doctors have a special interest in cosmetic dental work and typically make further studies to make certain that their patients will get only the best. There are many benefits in dental cosmetic work, it provides help in improving one?s appearance and make folks feel much younger.
Cosmetic dentistry Leeds has been rated the best, there are many patients from other states who visit Leeds Town Dental Care because they understand that a beautiful smile doesn't come cheap. Dental cosmetic work includes teeth whitening, this is a medical practice where doctors use special substance to fix stained teeth and when performed, an individual won't be able to notice the difference because it appears more natural. Veneers is a practice where a thin bond is attached to the teeth, it helps cover up cracks and hide discolouration and also used to fill gaps. Doctors recommend this medical practice to those folks with damaged and damaged teeth. Another medical practice utilised by cosmetic dentists is dental implants; it helps those people that have lost their teeth by replacing it. The new teeth will look precisely as natural teeth. It is utilized as a long-term answer to dentures, where all the denatured teeth are replaced.
Cosmetic dental work can do miracles especially when done by professionals; it can bring life back to your mouth and transform your look. Visit Leeds City Dental Care and be certain to be handled by the experienced Cosmetic dentists Leeds.
Cosmetic dentistry Leeds has been rated the best, there are lots of patients from other countries who visit cosmetic dentist Leeds because they understand that a beautiful grin does not come at cheap prices. Dental cosmetic work includes teeth bleaching, this is a medical practice where doctors use special substance to fix tarnished teeth and when performed, an individual will not be able to spot the difference as it appears more natural. Another medical practice employed by cosmetic dentists is dental implants; it helps those people that have lost their teeth by replacing it. The new teeth will look exactly as natural teeth.
Tags: Cosmetic Dentist Leeds, Health and Fitness, Orthodontist Leeds
This entry was posted on Monday, February 13th, 2012 at 3:15 pm and is filed under Health and Fitness. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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If you think yes, then you?re right. Video conferencing addresses this need of businesses to stay in touch with people working at different geographical locations. This latest telecommunication technology enables companies to run their businesses across different regions of the world without confronting the logistical hurdles associated with long-distance communication.
In simple terms, videoconferencing is an audio video transmission for long distance communication using a digital network that connects different location under one platform. The following are the main advantages of videoconferencing:
It saves business time: Time is precious for everybody and every business organizations, and is at premium these days, as deadlines and sales targets are more important than anything else. Meeting business objectives within the stipulated time frame gives an organization an edge over its competitors. Videoconferencing enables a business to interact with clients, staff and vendors without the necessity of travelling great distances. Much time is thus saved, and corporate decisions can be taken quickly and implemented effectively.
Time saved in travelling can be utilized for other productive activities. The business can also saves time by conducting conference and provide necessary training to the worker, employees and other sections, no need to follow the age old meeting that wasted time in taking down minutes of a meeting and mailing them to employees. A meeting through video conference can be recorded and played for future reference.
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Saves arrangement hassles and accommodation expenses: Booking hotels, deciding on a venue, arranging for a conference room, luncheon, transportation of participants from the hotel to the venue of the meeting, etc are some of the hassles that a company has to bear in case of a live meeting? These hassles can be avoided if the meeting is done through videoconferencing.
Solves problem of employee absenteeism: If some important employees unable to attain an important meeting, they can watch the entire meeting, through the recorded videos. As video conferencing offers recording facility the meetings can be recorded and played again at a later time for those who have missed it.
Providing training to different locations at a time: Video conferencing helps trainers to get connected workers or employees in different locations. The trainer can give training form Head office to them, who are located in different locations in different geographical areas. He need not to move to each location to provide training, at a time he can provide it to those locations that needs training.
Thus, with an advanced communication facility like videoconferencing, businesses can enjoy the benefits of effective business communication that is both time-saving and cost-effective.
About Author :?
Mr.Ray is working as a Sr. SEO/SEM, Web Designer, and has 4+ years of in the relevant field. Presently working with Peoplelink Corporate Solutions Pvt. Ltd, the best and most trusted video conferencing provider in the Sub-continent with different solutions.
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Published by admin on February 11th, 2012 in Uncategorized.
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Only two other Englishman features a place inside the NRL betting tips in 2010 and Burgess is one of them. Loose forwards Wigan favorite Tag Flanagan is going to be joining the Wests Dinosaurs the coming year and in addition Gareth Ellis, Burgess? England staff-mate just completed a primary season with the same club. Burgess confesses that leaving behind Great britain the chance at NRL had not been a simple selection, but he?s got been thrilled at the idea of playing in Australia. This can be understandable given that he made his great debut when he was 14 at Bradford and contains numerous mates at his original membership. With an all new section of his lifestyle at Souths, Burgess fulfills a desire which he has received since he was 15. He credit the Bradford Bulls for shaping his job, especially the mentors and the staff of the Great britain club. He names Dorrie McNamara as using a great impact more than his athletic job.
Even though it had been a tough selection to simply accept, Philip Lid, Bradford?s brain chairman, mentioned they couldn?t stand in the form of Burgess? desire. Although they do every thing they could so that you can convince the player to not leave, they value Burgess for being truthful about his best objective of tests themself in the Sydney game.
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Often shipping your RV or camper makes more sense than driving it. If you are going on vacation and are pressed for time, consider having your RV waiting for you at your destination rather than driving it there. If you are transporting your RV to a distant destination consider shipping your RV as the shipping cost may be far less than the gas it takes to drive there, especially with larger, gas-hungry models. So how do you go about shipping an RV? Below we've put together a short guide to RV shipping to help you through the process. Shipping a camper is really very easy; just follow these simple steps:
Get Camper Shipping Quotes. This can be intimidating as there are literally hundreds of trucking companies out there which ship RVs. One word of advice on this: Pick a reputable carrier! There are many one-man, fly-by-night campers shippers out there. Select an RV shipper which has a reputation for moving RVs on time, on budget and without damage. Free services like Shipping Sidekick allow you to get a number of camping shipping rates quotes with one short form. You can then compare the rates for yourself while being assured you are dealing with some of the most reliable RV shipping companies in the business.
Book Your Camper Shipment. Once you've gone through the quotes from the various camper shipping companies select a company which fits your budget and time constraints. You will want to inquire about insurance and this is something you definitely want to consider as it covers your camper against damage en route to its destination. It is also advisable to check the references of the camper shipping companies you are considering as all reputable camper shippers will be willing and able to offer you references from previous customers. If they are unable or unwilling to offer references select another company. Finally, also consider whether your camper will be towed, loaded onto a truck or driven to its destination. Different camper shipping companies offer different types of transport. Obviously trucking the camper saves wear, tear and mileage which may be worth the additional cost.
Prepare Your Camper For Shipping. Any alarms should be turned off during shipping. Secure the latches on all doors, windows and cabinets. Remove loose items from the walls inside the camper and stow all loose items appropriately. Make sure all appliances and electronics are off and disconnect the power supply and gas lines. Secure all exterior cargo doors and pop-outs. The camper should have sufficient gas to be loaded and unloaded (if it is being loaded onto a truck) and all doors should be locked and secured. If the camper is to be towed make sure the tow bar is properly installed and securely latched. It is also not recommended that you fill your camper with small items to be shipped. This may seem like a good way to save on shipping the small items but actually makes your camper more attractive to burglars en route.
Ship Your Camper. Make sure you are on time for the camper pickup and receipt of your camper. Please note that if your RV is being trucked shipping trucks are usually very, very large so if space is limited at either the RV pickup or destination point, a spacious nearby location should be selected such as a grocery store or mall parking lot. This can save much hassle in both the loading and unloading of your RV and is much appreciated by the drivers.
Receive Your Camper. When your camper arrives at its destination you want to immediately do a thorough inspection of the vehicle to note any damage which may have occurred during shipping. Report any such damage immediately to the shipper who will give you the appropriate paperwork for a claim. The camper shipper will then reimburse you for any verifiable damage which occurred if you have the appropriate insurance. The vast majority of campers are shipped without incident but the inspection upon receipt of your camper is crucial to note damage which occurred in shipping and assure there is not a dispute as to when it occurred. If you are not available to immediately receive your camper at its destination most camper shipping companies can arrange for storage until delivery. There is an additional cost for this; inquire with your RV shipping company if this service is needed.
Throughout the process, make sure the camper shipping company has a number where they can reach you. Keep in mind that schedules do change and some delays are beyond the control of the RV shipping companies. By following the above simple guidelines you are well on your way to having a positive camper moving experience. You can then sit back and leave the driving to the camper shipper.
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FILE - In this Sept. 21, 2011, file photo Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Sen. Joseph Lieberman, I-Conn. presides over the committee's hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. A developing Senate plan that would bolster the government?s ability to regulate the computer security of companies that run critical industries is drawing strong opposition from businesses that say it goes too far and security experts who believe it should have even more teeth. ?But where the market has failed, and critical systems are insecure, the government has a responsibility to step in,? said Leiberman. (AP Photo Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)
FILE - In this Sept. 21, 2011, file photo Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Chairman Sen. Joseph Lieberman, I-Conn. presides over the committee's hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. A developing Senate plan that would bolster the government?s ability to regulate the computer security of companies that run critical industries is drawing strong opposition from businesses that say it goes too far and security experts who believe it should have even more teeth. ?But where the market has failed, and critical systems are insecure, the government has a responsibility to step in,? said Leiberman. (AP Photo Manuel Balce Ceneta, File)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? A developing Senate plan that would bolster the government's ability to regulate the computer security of companies that run critical industries is drawing strong opposition from businesses that say it goes too far and security experts who believe it should have even more teeth.
Legislation set to come out in the days ahead is intended to ensure that computer systems running power plants and other essential parts of the country's infrastructure are protected from hackers, terrorists or other criminals. The Department of Homeland Security, with input from businesses, would select which companies to regulate; the agency would have the power to require better computer security, according to officials who described the bill. They spoke on condition of anonymity because lawmakers have not finalized all the details.
Those are the most contentious parts of legislation designed to boost cybersecurity against the constant attacks that target U.S. government, corporate and personal computer networks and accounts. Authorities are increasingly worried that cybercriminals are trying to take over systems that control the inner workings of water, electrical, nuclear or other power plants.
That was the case with the Stuxnet computer worm, which targeted Iran's nuclear program in 2010, infecting laptops at the Bushehr nuclear power plant.
As much as 85 percent of America's critical infrastructure is owned and operated by private companies
The emerging proposal isn't sitting well with those who believe it gives Homeland Security too much power and those who think it's too watered down to achieve real security improvements.
One issue under debate is how the bill narrowly limits the industries that would be subject to regulation.
Summaries of the bill refer to companies with systems "whose disruption could result in the interruption of life-sustaining services, catastrophic economic damage or severe degradation of national security capabilities."
Critics suggest that such limits may make it too difficult for the government to regulate those who need it.
There are sharp disagreements over whether Homeland Security is the right department to enforce the rules and whether it can handle the new responsibilities. U.S. officials familiar with the debate said the department would move gradually, taking on higher priority industries first.
"The debate taking place in Congress is not whether the government should protect the American people from catastrophic harms caused by cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, but which entity can do that most effectively," said Jacob Olcott, a senior cybersecurity expert at Good Harbor Consulting.
Under the legislation, Homeland Security would not regulate industries that are under the authority of an agency, such as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, with jurisdiction already over cyber issues.
"Where the market has worked, and systems are appropriately secure, we don't interfere," said Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. "But where the market has failed, and critical systems are insecure, the government has a responsibility to step in."
The bill, written largely by the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and the Senate homeland panel, is also notable for what it does not include: a provision that would give the president authority to shut down Internet traffic to compromised Web sites during a national emergency. This '"kill switch" idea was discussed in early drafts, but drew outrage from corporate leaders, privacy advocates and Internet purists who believe cyberspace should remain an untouched digital universe.
While the Senate is pulling together one major piece of cybersecurity legislation, the House has several bills that deal with various aspects of the issue.
A bill from a House Homeland Security subcommittee doesn't go as far as the Senate's in setting the government's role. Still, it would require DHS to develop cybersecurity standards and work with industry to meet them.
"We know voluntary guidelines simply have not worked," said Rep. Jim Langevin, D-R.I. "For the industries upon which we most rely, government has a role to work with the private sector on setting security guidelines and ensuring they are followed."
Stewart Baker, a former assistant secretary at Homeland Security, said the government must get involved to force companies to take cybersecurity more seriously.
Concerns about federal involvement, he said, belie the fact that computer breaches over the past several years make it clear that hackers and other governments, such as China and Russia, are already inside many industry networks.
"They already have governments in their business, just not the U.S.," said Baker. "For them to say they don't want this suggests they don't really understand how bad this problem is."
Industry groups have lobbied against the Senate bill's regulatory powers and say new mandates will drive up costs without increasing security.
They say businesses are trying to secure their networks and need legal protections built into the law so they can share information with authorities without risking antitrust or privacy violations.
In a letter to lawmakers this past week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said any additional regulations would be counterproductive and force businesses to shift their focus from security to compliance.
Liesyl Franz, a vice president at TechAmerica, which represents about 1,200 companies, said businesses would prefer to work with the government to enhance security rather than face more regulations. She said companies coping with the potential security risks, market consequences, and damage to corporate reputations, are defending against cyberthreats.
Senior national security officials were on Capitol Hill last week to talk to senators about the growing cybersecurity threat. After the meeting, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said she's always had a sense of urgency about it, adding, "I hope the briefing gives that same sense of urgency to members to put aside turf battles."
She said senators are reviewing concerns raised by the Chamber about the bill.
Follow Lolita Baldor on Twitter:
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Cheap mortgage rates make owning Las Colinas Texas real estate more affordable. Mortgage rates are directly tied to monthly mortgage payment so as mortgage rates drop, so does the cost of home-ownership.
It?s a money-saving time to buy a home in? Las Colinas Texas ? or to refinance one. Mortgage rates have never been this low in history.
According to Freddie Mac, last week, the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage fell to 3.87% nationwide for borrowers looking for Las Colinas homes for sale . This represents a great value as compared to February of last year.
It was exactly one year ago that Las Colinas mortgage rates began their long slide lower.?On February 11, 2011, the 30-year fixed rate mortgage in Las Colinas Texas reached its peak for the year at 5.05%.?If you are among the many Las Colinas homeowners that bought or refinanced a home around that time, you could choose to replace your current Las Colinas home loan with a new one and save close to 13% on your monthly mortgage payment.
13 percent saved on your mortgage is a noteworthy statistic. Look at this 30-year fixed rate mortgage payment comparison over the last 12 months :
Because of falling mortgage rates, a homeowner with a $250,000 30-year fixed rate mortgage would save a minimum of $175 per month just by refinancing into a new loan at today?s mortgage rates.?That?s $2,100 in savings per year. Even after figuring discount points and closing costs, the ?break-even point? on a mortgage like that can come quickly.
We can?t predict? mortgage rates in? Las Colinas Texas so there?s no promise rates will stay like this forever. In fact, they likely won?t last long. If you?re planning to buy Las Colinas homes for sale or refinance, the best way to keep your monthly payments down is to lock your rate while mortgage rates are still low.
The market looks ripe for that now.
Tags: 30-year Fixed Rate Mortgage, Las Colinas, mortgage, real estate, Refinance, save money, save money on your mortgage
This entry was posted on February 7, 2012 at 1:45 pm and is filed under Home Mortgage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) (Photo from congressman?s Web site)
( ? Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said Friday that he supports eliminating as soon as possible a new regulation that forces individuals to buy ? and institutions to provide ? health insurance plans that cover sterilizations and all FDA-approved contraceptives, including those that induce abortions.
Catholic bishops are arguing that this regulation violates their freedom of religion as it forces Catholic-run hospitals, charities and universities to go against the commandments of their faith and provide services Catholicism defines as evil.
?On August 1st a part of the healthcare bill takes effect in requiring health care plans to cover sterilizations and including contraceptives that induce abortions. Should the Republican House insist on language in Fiscal Year 2013 funding bills that prohibit funding of this legislation?? asked Rohrabacher.
?We should do everything we can to as quickly as possible remove any of the mandates and structure that were set up by under the title of Obamacare. The fact is that by its very nature and by the fact that it?s controlling decisions that weren?t controlled before by the federal government, we are bound to make decisions that people don?t want but also decisions that large numbers of people think are immoral,? Rohrabacher replied.
?And it is, it is wrong to force someone who believes that abortion is the taking of a human life, to force them in some way to pay for it or to have to participate in a health care system that provides for that service. But of course when you are talking about these federal planners who are going to make our world perfect, I guess they know better for us,? he added.
?But to answer your question directly, we need to eliminate those provisions ASAP, as soon as it is legislatively possible they should be eliminated from the books,? Rohrabacher said. ?Would you support putting in a specific provision right now for the ??
Rohrabacher: ?Any way that we could do it.? ?Any way??
Rohrabacher: ?Any way that will accomplish that goal as soon as possible.?
Congress does have the ability to stop the regulation right now through the appropriation power granted them by the Constitution.
Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 of the Constitution states:
No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.
This means that Congress can prohibit Health and Human Services from implementing the regulation by denying funding for it. Congress can do this through inserting language into HHS funding bills. They can say something like:
?Notwithstanding any other provision of law, none of the funds made available in this or any other Act may be used to implement any provision in a rule if that provision requires mandatory coverage of sterilizations and birth control within health care plans.?
Effectively this would kill the regulation even if it is still on the books.
Congress regularly defunds regulations it disagrees with. In 2011, Congress used this ability to protect businesses that produce animal manure from EPA restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions.
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Today I would like to talk about nursing home/assisted living care for LGBT seniors. I know it is not as hyped up as same-sex marriage, and despite what you may have heard, from the Far Right, Queer people do reach old age.
In a 2010 study, 769 individuals participated, in order to better understand the issues LGBT elders face while in long term care. 284 of the individuals identified themselves as LGBT elders while the remaining individuals were friends, family, social service, legal, health care providers or simply identified themselves as other. 328 people reported 853 cases of abuse. Only 22% of LGBT elders and 16% of non-LGBT people felt it was safe to come out as LGBT while in a long term care facility. Thereby showing, that for many LGBT people, that were out and proud for several years feel they have to go back into the closet. Below is an example of a couple going back into the closet.
Two friends of mine, Vera and Zayda, had been together for 58 years. When Vera?s Alzheimer?s became too much, Zayda moved her to an assisted living facility. Zayda could barely trust family or neighbors with the truth, let alone strangers, so she and Vera became ?sisters.? Much later, after Vera?s death, Zayda needed to move into an assisted living facility herself. She had many, many photos of the love of her life, but dared not display them in her new home. The other residents would talk about husbands, children and grandchildren, but she felt too vulnerable to tell the truth. Zayda was in hiding and terribly isolated.
?Nina L., Carlsbad, CA
The breakdown of the 853 cases of abuse are as followed: verbal or physical harassment from other residents 23%, refused admission or re-admission attempted or abrupt discharge 20%, verbal or physical harassment from staff 14%, staff refused to accept medical power of attorney from resident?s spouse or partner ?11%, restriction of visitors 11%, staff refused to refer to transgender resident by preferred name or pronoun 9%, staff refused to provide basic services or care 6%, and staff denied medical treatment 6%. Also keep in mind that many residents have dementia or lack the ability to communicate the abuse that is inflicted upon them and many others are too afraid to tell because of fear that the abuse will only get worse. We also need to keep in mind that many LGBT elders do not have friends and/or family to look out for their interest. In fact many LGBT elders receive farther abuse from their family.
I have been haunted for years by what happened to two lesbian friends of mine. They had been ?married? for more than 50 years, when they both fell ill. Their families sent them to separate nursing facilities despite all protests. They each shortly passed away. It was heartbreaking!
?Vicky Esperanza, wife of a minister,
Metropolitan Community Church, Des Moines, IA
So what can be done to help our LGBT elders to get the care they deserve? We can push for cities to require diversity training for long term care provider staff. We can volunteer within local nursing homes and report violations to the authorities, if they occur. You can also volunteer in organizations such as SAGE (Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Elders).
For Volunteer opportunities please go to:?
or contact a local nursing home in your area.
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